
1. Admission Requirements for the PhD Cycle

To be admitted to the PhD cycle in the Faculty of Theology, the following are required:

  • Obtaining a License in Dogmatic Theology, Spiritual Theology (Spirituality, Salesian Studies, Formation of Formators and Vocational Animators), Pastoral Theology (Youth Ministry, Catechetics, Youth Ministry and Catechetics, Biblical and Liturgical Pastoral), or Missiology (for those coming from centers affiliated with the FT).
  • A final grade not lower than 27/30 (or equivalent grade).
  • For non-Italian speaking students, knowledge of the Italian language at level B1 of the «European Language Framework».
  • Functional knowledge of two foreign languages, chosen among those most relevant to the research to be carried out. One of these could be the language in which a previous academic degree was obtained.
  • For students coming from other universities, submission of the written thesis of the license and a reasoned presentation, by the thesis moderator or the Dean of the Faculty of origin, favorable to the continuation of studies.
  • An admission interview that verifies, in addition to the above, the state of preparation in terms of scientific work methodology and research, the candidate’s aptitudes and motivations, and their study possibilities (including economic) and attendance, consistent with the cycle’s requirements.

2. Admission Procedure for the PhD Cycle

  • To enroll in the PhD at the FT, students must follow the following procedure:
    • Interview with the Dean to verify admission conditions.
    • Interview with the Director of the Institute of the chosen specialization for initial information about the Institute and curricula, for subsequent guidance in choosing the Moderator and to establish any integration courses.
    • Interview with the Coordinator of the III Cycle for their inclusion in the seminar, research laboratory, and internship.
  • The final admission of the student is the responsibility of the Dean of the FT, after hearing the opinion of the Coordinator of the III Cycle and the Director of the Institute of specialization.

3. Duration of the PhD Cycle

  • The duration of the PhD cycle is three years (six semesters).
  • In the first year, the candidate is required to attend the Doctoral Seminar, Internship, Research Laboratory of the respective specialization, academic performances, and integrative courses, if necessary, to develop the research project for approval.

4. PhD Cycle Program

  • First semester: TB0442 Research Seminar (5 ECTS) and TB0450 III Cycle Internship (5 ECTS).
  • Second semester: Research Laboratory according to one’s specialization (5 ECTS) TB0560, TB1260, TB1660.
  • Students who have not obtained the License at the FT locations must attend courses worth 10 ECTS. Students from Centers Affiliated with the FT must attend at least one course worth 5 ECTS. It is up to the Director of the Institute of specialization to indicate these courses at the time of enrollment.
  • The student who changes theological specialization at the time of the doctorate must attend courses of the new specialization worth about 50 ECTS, leaving the choice of courses at the discretion of the Dean and the Director of the Institute of specialization at the time of enrollment.

5. Procedure for Approval of the Research Project

  • The doctoral student prepares the research project within the first year of attendance and submits it to the Director of the Institute of their specialization (at least one week before the scheduled meetings) for an initial discussion in the Institute;
  • The doctoral student participates in the Institute meeting with the possible presence of the Moderator and presents their project;
  • Upon receiving the Institute’s observations, the project can be submitted to the General Secretariat using a specific form, with the Moderator’s signature.
  • The project approval takes place in the Faculty Council meeting, which confirms the Moderator and appoints the other two reviewers.

6. Lectio coram

  • In the Lectio coram, the candidate must demonstrate the ability to carry out their research and present the state of their work.
  • Within one year from the approval of the research project, the doctoral student is required to present a part of their thesis within the Research Laboratory of their specialization, submitting 3 copies of the text (about 50 pages or one of the chapters) to the Director of the Institute, who will distribute them to the Moderator and the reviewers.
  • The Director of the Institute is responsible for managing the lectio coram.
  • After the Lectio coram, the Commission (the Moderator and the two reviewers) expresses its judgment, with any observations on the written work and the progress of the research. The Director will communicate the final result to the Dean and the Coordinator of the III Cycle.
  • If the doctoral student does not demonstrate the ability to continue and complete their research, having not obtained at least two positive votes from the Commission, the Director will communicate this outcome to the Dean and the Coordinator of the III Cycle. In this case, the doctoral student will undergo a second Lectio coram within three months.

7. Progress in Thesis Development

  • Normally, the doctoral student should finish and submit the thesis during the third year. Those who go beyond three years from enrollment are required to pay the annual fee established by the UPS.  
  • After three years from the project approval, the student is required to inform the Coordinator of the III Cycle and the Moderator about the progress of the research.

8. Preliminary Evaluation of the Thesis

  • The number of pages of the doctoral thesis: about 300 pages (excluding bibliography, appendix, and index pages), accepting exceptions in particular cases.
  • Once the dissertation is completed, the student will submit three copies of the text to the Dean, who will send them to the Moderator and the reviewers; they, within 30 days, will prepare and submit to the Dean a written judgment, following the specific form, regarding its adequacy for submission to the General Secretariat, indicating any corrections, additions, or revisions. (Reg., FT Art. 129)
  • For a positive outcome of the preliminary evaluation, the thesis must obtain at least two positive votes from the Commission. Otherwise, the thesis will be reworked within a semester and presented for a new evaluation by the Commission.

9. Final Evaluation of the Thesis

  • The final text submitted to the General Secretariat, in addition to the Moderator’s approval, must include an anti-plagiarism declaration.
  • The date of the public defense is set thirty days after submission. (Reg., FT Art. 129)
  • The final evaluation of the thesis is made on the copy sent by the General Secretariat for the public defense.
  •  Coefficients for calculating the academic grade:
    • Written dissertation: 80% (equivalent to 24/30)
    • Oral defense: 10% (equivalent to 3/30)
    • Seminar, laboratory, internship, and any courses: 10% (equivalent to 3/30)

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